The scare mummy

Once there was a scare mummy .They lived in the midle of the rain forest.One night mom mummy said  go get some flour to use. So he was on his way until he heard a noise in dark bush a noice in the dark bush so he ran then he heard a noise  so he ran faster he was finaly was there he was nokin g on the door finaly she oped the door .When he closed the door thds there was a lould noke he opened the door. The witch tld the boy that threre was a vampira going around the woods going  around the vampira was bitting people who were in his way he got scared he asked his gradma  hre ssayed can i spend the night  she said yes you  may .whith a man voice .grand ma e are you ok yes come hera  and that was the end ofthe mummyes 


the may flower

the mayflower is a ship that cared pillgrames

across the sea there were about 100 of theme on one ship the pillgrames disccovered the first thanks giving they ate fruit and bread and probubly fish to sins they were on a ship that is all i leard about the pillgrames



imageJamestown is a great place to stay or live .We also made our own place to live at night. You would come and check us out and see how you like it. We hope that you like it and stay with us but if you don’t that is just fine with us it is your disingenuoun if you want to stay.Do you like Jamestown or Plymouth hope that you like Jamestown.






I would rather live in jamestown beacause  ,it seems like a good place to live.

I would love to stay there beacause it sounds like a better place than plymouth .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         plymouth sounds so boring and not a good place to live ether.Jamestown made there own homes in a trangle shape.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          were would you rather live Jamestown or plymouth ,hop that it is jamestown