The scare mummy

Once there was a scare mummy .They lived in the midle of the rain forest.One night mom mummy said  go get some flour to use. So he was on his way until he heard a noise in dark bush a noice in the dark bush so he ran then he heard a noise  so he ran faster he was finaly was there he was nokin g on the door finaly she oped the door .When he closed the door thds there was a lould noke he opened the door. The witch tld the boy that threre was a vampira going around the woods going  around the vampira was bitting people who were in his way he got scared he asked his gradma  hre ssayed can i spend the night  she said yes you  may .whith a man voice .grand ma e are you ok yes come hera  and that was the end ofthe mummyes